Styria PGI

organic pumpkin seed oil

Natural oil
from the first pressing

Our pumpkin seed oil from controlled organic farming is produced using the traditional Styrian stamp press process – a natural and gentle technique that gives the oil its very special taste notes and its deep green colour.

It contains nothing except organic pumpkin seeds and a touch of salt. Our company is audited by state-recognised supervisory bodies several times a year, which means that we can guarantee the highest levels of quality and safety for consumers.


Protected geographical indication


Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e.V.


Controlled organic farming


European vegetarian union

non GMO

Non genetically modified


International Food Standard


Awarded manufacturer of styrian pumpkin seed oil

Food Defense

Comprehensive food defense

AMA Organic Label

Quality label according

FIC compliant

EU Food Information for Consumers Regulations


Certification in the fields of foodprocessing

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Organic Styrian pumpkin seed oil PGI

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Mutter Natur

Organic pumpkin seed oil

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Austria Pur

Organic Styrian pumpkin seed oil PGI

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Organic pumpkin seed oil

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Organic Styrian pumpkin seed oil PGI loose

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Organic pumpkin seed oil loose

The biggest contract grower
of oil pumpkins PGI

Alwera AG, Estyria’s parent company, is responsible for production of the raw goods via a contract farming system. The two companies have for some years maintained the largest PDI area of oil pumpkin in Austria and they know the fields and the farmers personally.

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Traditional Styrian
stamp press process

While modernity has brought progress in many areas, the traditional Styrian stamp press process is still the best way of making pumpkin seed oil. The main difference between this and other pressing methods is that we work with open roasting pans. At our plant, people check when the pumpkin seeds are perfectly roasted and so will yield the very best oil. This enables our experienced oil millers to produce the pumpkin seed oil that has won more prizes than any other – and which as a result of this type of pressing retains all the natural constituents. The untreated oil is not filtered; the particles that make it cloudy settle naturally when the oil is left to rest.

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